There are in excess of 100 ride position options on some bikes... Adlabs makes it simpler
Bikes are a personal thing. They reflect our personalities and, as such, personalisation is a big factor in motorcycle ownership. Some people know what they want from the onset, buying the bike and related accessories as one package. Others tinker with their bikes over the years, adding parts, even removing parts to get the bikes to reflect their personalities, as well as riding styles and, therefore, riding position.

It is this last point that can be the hardest to sort. When it comes to cruisers, in particular, there are just so many options, for example:
- How high do you want the seat to be?
- Do you plan on carrying a pillion rider?
- How far forward do you like your feet to be?
- How far back do you want your hands to be?
The problem does not stop there though. If you change the seat position, it changes the relationship to the pegs and the bars, so the settings that may feel comfortable for one seat, feel wrong for another. When you take all the settings into account, then there are in excess of 100 options on some bikes!
We felt that this situation is wrong… wrong for the rider as they may never find their ideal riding position, wrong for the dealer as prospects may discount the bike from their choice due to discomfort and wrong for the manufacturer who puts so much effort in developing the bike to fit the range of different riders.
So, we wondered “how would it be if you could review the different positions the options gave you before you even went to the dealer? Even try the different positions out from the comfort of your living room?” It was this that gave us an idea…

Adlabs designed an app that guided you on how to measure your body and then allowed your virtual body to try out the different positions. The app provides lean angles, knee angles and much more information that you can then relate to yourself. It guides you as to how you can try the angles out to feel the comfort levels for yourself.
Once close, then you can visit the dealer, detailing the options you want to try. It’s not perfect, as you still need to try these things in reality, but it could save a lot of time and pain and lead to a much better riding experience.